Friday, August 26, 2011

You Have Been Selected!

             There is an article from the infamous Time Magazine that really identifies who many Americans really are.  Lev Grossman, writer of, You - Yes, You - Are TIME's Person of the Year explains that you don’t need to be a famous inventor or powerful athlete to be a significant part of society.  “America loves its solitary geniuses—its Einsteins, its Edisons, its Jobses—but those lonely dreamers may have to learn to play with others.”  This quote really speaks the truth for many Americans.  Sure, being a genius is nice, but the people known as, “ordinary” are just as important.  Many people’s minds may be overlooked because they are not given a chance.  Today, there are opportunities for people to put their creative minds to use through contests and other events.
I agree with Grossman here because to me, it speaks the truth.  I am definitely not considered a genius by any means, but it is nice to be recognized for things that I have accomplished every once in a while.  I don’t think Grossman is necessarily picking on geniuses here.  What I believe he is saying is that it is not a bad thing to move over and share the spotlight.  It is no secret that this article probably offends some people.  What some people might think is that, “Why should I have to let someone be recognized for doing absolutely nothing.”  Grossman makes valid points in this article and gives examples of why he feels the way he does.  It is everyone that is the TIME’s Person of the Year for 2006.